Tyler Hasman

Software Engineer

About Me

Solaire of Astora


I graduated from The University of British Columbia with a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science in December 2023. I took a gap year after Highschool and lived in Kyoto, Japan for one year. I lived nearby the most popular tourist stop in the world Fushimi Inari. I'm a huge supporter of people taking time off after highschool. I felt it gave me time to figure out who I was and what I wanted.

My main interests of study are computer graphics, game development, and game engine creation. My favorite games are Dark Souls, Persona 5, Skyrim, Portal 2, Undertale, and World of Warcraft Classic.


Released on Steam January 15th, 2021

Online Turn-Based Strategy Game created in Java with the LibGDX Framework. Uses MySQL and Redis for backend. Game servers are hosted to make it easy for players to play together.

Check It Out

Eggly Buddies

Tamagotchi-inspired game made in C++ with SDL. Created for CPSC 427 (Video Game Programming) at UBC.



Released on Itch.io

Visual novel made in Unity. I wrote the dialogue system which allowed writers to easily add new levels, dialogue and story branches. Features over 1000 lines of dialogue and four different minigames.

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MMO Forge

Last updated January 2023

MMORPG game engine written in Java with LibGDX. All game content is defined separately from game logic allowing designers to easily create new items, spells, npcs, quests and more.

Published on GameJolts in 2016.

My own implementation of the Undertale fight system with additional multiplayer features. The player can face off against popular Undertale characters with their friends. Written in Java with Slick2D.

GameJolts Post

Voxel Engine

Last updated October 24th, 2021

3D voxel engine written in Java with OpenGL. Infinite terrain is procedurally generated using Voronoi Diagrams and Perlin Noise. Supports SSAO using Deferred Rendering.

Source Code

Voxel Art Converter

Not Yet Published

Tool created in Java with LibGDX and GLSL that converts any 3d model into voxel art. Supports animations and exporting to the OBJ model format.


Last updated September 12th, 2019

3D raytracing engine written in Java using Swing. Supports texturing and raytraced lighting.

Source Code